Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Dancing with the Stars : Back & Mejor que NUNCA
I'm not going to lie you, I watch both the previous seasons of Dancing with the Stars and I really liked it.. But this time around I knew it was gonna be on! Hay alguien para todos...
Let's start with Mario Lopez aka Slater from Saved by the Bell... As expected, he will be the couple to beat according to the judges. He really moved well and obviously has great rhythm
(we remember Slater always dancing in
Mario is definitely on his way to make his big comeback this Fall. First Dancing with the Stars, he will also appear in the super edgy FX drama Nip/Tuck and as we reported a few months ago- hosting a dating show on SiTV called the Dating Factory.

Many of you hardcore football fans may be shocked to hear that Emmitt Smith was AWESOME last night. Following in Jerry Rice's footsteps, Emmitt Smith will surely be around until the end of the Competition.

Mr. Clean, Mr. WTH happened to Joey Lawrence... he was soooo cute in Blossom. His performance was ok last nigh, but We'll be watching him and his head very closely.

And Lastly Miss Vivica A. FOX was sizzling last nite!!! She's one of our favorites... Keeping it fierce!!! Work it Vivica!!!!

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